They can be copied to /usr/bin The first script will extract icons from the .EXE file, choose the best icon, convert it to PNG, and copy it to the same folder of the application. The second one depends on the first. It and can be very useful. If you simply call "wine-createshortcut MYAPP.EXE" it will produce a shortcut for the application, in desktop and applications menu, with the proper icon. :) wine-extracticon Code: #!/bin/bash # wine-extracticon echo "Extracting icon(s)..." wrestool -x -t 14 "$( readlink -f "$@")" > "/tmp/$( basename "$( readlink -f "$@")").ico" echo Converting icon to PNG... convert -alpha on "/tmp/$( basename "$( readlink -f "$@")").ico" "/tmp/$( basename "$( readlink -f "$@")").png" # the script will assume the best icon is the bigger one echo Copy $(ls -S -1 "/tmp/$( basename $( readlink -f "$@"))"*".png" | tac | tail -n 1) to "$( readlink -f "$@").icon.png" ... cp $(ls -S -1 "/tmp/$( basename $( readlink -f "$@"))"*".png" | tac | tail -n 1) "$( readlink -f "$@").icon.png" echo "Done." wine-createshortcut Code: #!/bin/bash # wine-createshortcut echo Extract icon... wine-extracticon "$@" echo Create shortcut contents... myshortcut="[Desktop Entry]"\\n"Exec=wine start /Unix \""$( readlink -f "$@")"\""\\n"Type=Application"\\n"Categories=Application"\\n"Icon="$( readlink -f "$@")".icon.png" echo Create .desktop file... echo -e $myshortcut >"$( readlink -f "$@")".desktop echo Create links on desktop and applications menu... ln -s "$( readlink -f "$@").desktop" "$HOME/Desktop/$( basename "$( readlink -f "$@")").desktop" ln -s "$( readlink -f "$@").desktop" "$HOME/.local/share/applications/$( basename "$( readlink -f "$@")").desktop" echo Done. The problem is both scripts will fail if there are any spaces in the filename or in the path name. Spaces in filenames are evil! Any bash script experts? I need help!
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 7:39 AM, landeel <wineforum-user at> wrote:> > The first script will extract icons from the .EXE file, choose the best icon, convert it to PNG, and copy it to the same folder of the application. > > The second one depends on the first. It and can be very useful. If you simply call "wine-createshortcut MYAPP.EXE" it will produce a shortcut for the application, in desktop and applications menu, with the proper icon. :) >These are pretty cool. Thanks!
I need to find a way to do those... haven't looked into it. Sadly the tools you are using there doesn't exist for me (on OSX)... must be Linux only.