I am a beginner. I have loaded Wine installer and RealPlayer SP and the process has been aparently successful in that the Wine program appears in the desktop and headers on Ubuntu. But when I click on the logo nothing. Notepad also appears to have been installed on works by RealPlayer no. What can I do? [Shocked] [Shocked]
dickcur wrote:> I am a beginner. I have loaded Wine installer and RealPlayer SP and the process has been aparently successful in that the Wine program appears in the desktop and headers on Ubuntu. But when I click on the logo nothing. Notepad also appears to have been installed on works by RealPlayer no. What can I do? [Shocked] [Shocked]Start by posting console output (use pastebin if needed) -- http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#head-a37de3282d447376d2220d20a278ae52258551a4 . Cheers, Jorl17