eiem wrote:> I would like to start a software (which has expiration date!!) giving a
differetn date from the one of the system. Is it possible to do it with
envoirment variables or any other way? i dont wanna change the true date in my
OS !
> Thanks
> Alex
Wine implements the normal Windows time functions, which get their time from
unix (Time Functions, n.d.), so there is no time/date override you can set
However... Wine is open-source, so you could do some hacking.
To get you started, wine's (GetSystemTime, n.d.). is in kernel32. Using grep
GetSystemTime within Downloads/src/wine/dlls/kernel32 reveals the function is
located in, guess what, time.c
Looking at time.c and using similar detective work (let me know if there is an
easier way to navigate this) reveals that wine's implementation is just a
wrapper for ntdll time.c NtQuerySystemTime(), which gets the time from unix
Anywhere along the chain you could, for example, perform some subtraction magic,
or even go so far as to get the value to subtract by using the registry.
(Registry Functions, n.d.)
GetSystemTime Function (Windows). (n.d.). . Retrieved March 31, 2010, from
Registry Functions (Windows). (n.d.). . Retrieved March 31, 2010, from
Time Functions (Windows). (n.d.). . Retrieved March 31, 2010, from