Berillions wrote:>
> I have a problem when i want to play at this game.
> I have a legal copy of game but after to install it and install a no-cd, i
have a error message when i launch the game.
> The error message is :
> Code:
> The game is badly installed, please install correctly the game
> (When i launch bge.exe)
I do not have the EAX error myself. I do have the "The game is badly
installed" message. I have the original game (not the steam one). I tried
both original exe, and no-cd patch. Both give same result, this happens even
before the copy protection evaluates the disc (so I guess). I find this really
annoying, since the appDB says it does work. I tried all kind of settings,
nothing helps. The installation gives a good result on a native windows
installation, and even a virtual machine, but not on wine...
I am using wine 1.1.35, and even tried other versions...
What could I do to make it work? [Crying or Very sad]