On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 4:39 AM, Evan Ingram <evan.ingram at cariss.co.uk>
wrote:> Hi there,
> I'm having an issue with vbscript in wine. It relates to a problem with
> the cardbox database client which you can see here:
> http://www.cardbox.com/wine.htm
> I get the Cardbox error message and pressing OK will return me to the
> Cardbox window, indicating vbscript is not installed. First I just ran
> the installer which I found here:
> Made no difference. I then tried to install vbscript using the
> Winetricks scripts:
> wsh56vb MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript
> Still made no difference in my cardbox client. Can anyone help? How can
> I verfiy vbscript has installed correctly.
> thanks
> --
> Evan Ingram
> Technical Engineer
> St Augustines Business Centre,
> 125 Canterbury Road,
> Westgate-on-sea,
> Kent
> CT8 8NL
> 0844 576 5421
> www.cariss.co.uk
> CARISS is a trading name of Ask-4-IT Ltd
> Company registered in England and Wales
> Company Number - 5374955
> VAT Number - 856 1229 22
To list as well:
It appears that there's still a wine bug. Even if vbscript is
installed, I get the HelloWorld dialog with an OLE error.
I'd suggest searching bugzilla for a bug report, and if one isn't
filed, file one.