Hi im trying to run jboss with wine. Im not sure about how to get it. I have installed Java windows version with wine. I want to run jboss windows version under wcmd. (run.bat) I have problems with the environment variables. The target of all of this is that i have a MsAccess odbc bridge created with Control Panel of winetools (i have installed MDAC with winetools) I want jboss to access the mdb file and work with it under wine. The default output is: :\curro\.wine\drive_c\jboss-4.0.2\bin>run.bat File not found File not found File not found File not found File not found ==============================================================================. JBoss Bootstrap Environment . JBOSS_HOME: .\\.. . JAVA: /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_05\bin\java . JAVA_OPTS: -Dprogram.name=run.bat -Xms128m -Xmx512m . CLASSPATH: . ==============================================================================. Success Press Return key to continue: I think that JBOSS_HOME is not right and JAVA neither cos this is the linux var. I suppose that i have to change run.bat file but im not sure. Any ideas ?? thanks all