nx12 wrote:
>Somebody knows how do I set wineoss.drv or winealsa.drv to use the second
>sound card instead of the first one?
>Currently I'm using winearts.drv, but want to get rid of arts, cause
wine is
>the only one on my box using it.
>wine-users mailing list
For the wineoss driver and Direct Sound: go into the config
file and find the [dsound] section. I should look like this:
;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to mix in new buffers.
;"HELmargin" = "5"
;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to queue to driver.
;"HELqueue" = "5"
;; Max number of fragments to prebuffer
;"SndQueueMax" = "28"
;; Min number of fragments to prebuffer
;"SndQueueMin" = "12"
;; Forces emulation mode (using wave api)
;"HardwareAcceleration" = "Emulation"
;; Sets default playback device (0 - number of devices - 1)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "0" ; use first device
;"DefaultPlayback" = "1" ; use second device
;"DefaultPlayback" = "2" ; use third device
;; Sets default capture device (0 - number of devices - 1)
;"DefaultCapture" = "0" ; use first device
;"DefaultCapture" = "1" ; use second device
;"DefaultCapture" = "2" ; use third device
Uncomment (remove the ;) from the "DefaultPlayback" = "1"