Am Don, Sep 30, 2004 at 05:48:22 -0700 schrieb Abhay Kumar
Srivastava:> I am using lotus notes version 6.02CF1 on WinXP (NTFS
> partition). Cannot changeit as this is installed by
> the company(so called Techsupport guys- who cannot
> even open a file in vi), the only other version that i
> can install is 5.0.11 --cannot install on FAT32
> partions, again company rules. I have no access to
> Notes client 6.5.1, I have read ur mails reagrding
> installing 6.5.1 and coppied entire Notes directory
> to my .wine as per your mail
Sorry, I can not help with that because I have no experience with other
notes versions. Why don't you install it at home and transfer the
directory via USB-Stick?
By the way: You should never run wine as root!
"Never touch a running system! Never run a touching system?
Never run a touchy system!!!"