On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Alan wrote:
> I am trying to install the Codeweavers version of wine (pre-release 2)
> and I am having problems. When I try to install (using rpm), I get the
> message "installing package codeweavers-wine-20010112-1 needs 7Mb on
> / filesystem". My / filesystem is not overly large, but I still have
> approx 60Mb available on /. Is the error stating that the install
> requires 7Mb on /, or it needs 7Mb more than what I have available?
> Also, why is it wanting to install at the / level and not in a somewhat
> less dangerous partition? The other filesystems have plenty of room
> available.
> Has anyone else seen this and if so, what can I do? I checked the FAQ on
> the codeweavers site and did not see this problem addressed.
> Sent via Deja.com
> http://www.deja.com/
I build Wine from source, but maybe I can help some by extrapolation.
Wine-20010112 (okay, plus a random selection from wine-patches) installs
about 61m of binaries, libraries, header files, and man pages, by
default into /usr/local (I use /gp/local, for reasons of my own).
If all that were to go into /, I think that might be uncomfortably
It seems to me to be more an rpm problem, or a system administartion
problem, not a wine problem as such. If you want to use the rpm,
try with rpm -qip codeweavers-wine* if it is relocatable (I have never
seen a relocatable rpm, and don't know how they work :-) or
find out with
rpm -qlip codeweavers-wine*
where it wants to put what, and look into moving that off of /.
Just a guess - maybe it wants to use /opt, and you have no special
provision for /opt, so it goes on /. In that case, say you have /usr in
its own FS, with plenty of room, you could move /opt to /usr/opt and
make a symbolic link:
ln -s /usr/opt /opt
If all that tower of conjecture above still stands, rpm should then be
happy to install it for you, or at least find something different to
complain about.
ICBW, of course, I can always be wrong.
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