I change a lot of my CD to Ogg to be able to listen them easily from my computer (I use foobar, I was used to WMP but it does not support library for Ogg files and plug-ins I found for this where poor) without the need for frequent CD changing. I like my music to be richly tagged. But with classical music CD it is a real pain to tag those files. Typical problems involve: - single CD contains different works (like Tchaikovsky's CD "Piano Concertos 1 & 2"), - single CD contains different works performed by different artists, - some works (usually operas) are contained on multiply CDs, - it is interesting to have both date of publishing (the date the work was finished, the date it was shown for the first time) and date of recording. I want to preserve in tags info about the album from which the piece was taken but I want to have "album title" to be set to correct data. So in case of mentioned Tchaikovsky's CD I want halve of the tracks to have "album title" set to "Piano Concerto 1" and the other half "Piano Concerto 2" - however somewhere in the tags I want to have data that they came CD named "Piano Concertos 1 & 2". I could use some tricks like having "album title" set to "Piano Concertos 1 & 2 - Piano Concerto 1" or something similar but this is IMHO just a workaround and not a very nice one. It makes title much to long it does not give enough information since for any plug-in or something that for example downloads album cover this title would be useless and so on. After some thinking I came to position when it seemed obvious for me that what is required is an explicit separation of tags on CD (its releases date, publisher, title and so on) and tags on work (its title, composer and so on). For typical modern single-artist albums those data would be the same in many places. However classical CD (and compositions like "Hits of Summer 2008") could benefit much from this. Is anything already done on this field? Or is anything in progress? What are advised ways of dealing with this kind of problem? Adam Badura
On 02/06/08 10:54:43, Adam Badura commented on the issues taggingclassical music and suggested that there should be separate sets oftags for the work the track forms part of, and for the CD it was takenfrom. He also asked if any work had been done in this field. I remembered that there have been some recommendations published and asearch turned up the following: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorbis_comment xiph.org/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html gophernet.org/articles/vorbiscomment.html reactor-core.org/ogg-tagging.html The last of these articles was not available when I tried to click onit but I don't know if it has gone away permenantly or if this is justa temporary issue. I found a copy in the Internet Archive: web.archive.org/web/20061004152153/http://reactor-core.org/ogg-tagging.html and also in the Google cache: google.com/search?q=cache:http://www.reactor-core.org/ogg-tagging.html There is also a Wiki in which there seems to be some debate: wiki.xiph.org/index.php/VorbisComment One difficulty, of course, is that whereas you can add any tag you like to your files you won't necessarily get any of the players to use it either for display or indexing. My personal approach is a bit mixed but in summary: 1. For popular music stick to the artist, album and title as normally used. In the case of compilation albums the album tag is the name of the compilation album but the artist tag is the artist name for the track (and not "Various Artists"). 2. For classical music: 2a. Add composer, ensemble, performer and conductor tags and then make the artist tag whichever of those I would want the player to display and expect to use when searching for it. 2b. If the track is part of a complete work, for example it is one movement on a symphony and there are tracks for the other movements, make the album tag the name of the complete work and the title the name of the movement. 2c. If the track is an isolated piece of a complete work such as would be found on some of the classical compilation albums then make the album tag the name of the compilation and the title tag contain both the name of the work and which movement. I also have my CD ripper automatically add the CDDB id of the CD the track came from. In the case where the album tag has been used for the name of the work this 'cddb' tag is what would enable me to link the track with others from the same physical CD. HTH, Steve.
On 02/06/08 10:54:43, Adam Badura commented on the issues tagging classical music and suggested that there should be separate sets of tags for the work the track forms part of, and for the CD it was taken from. He also asked if any work had been done in this field. I remembered that there have been some recommendations published and a search turned up the following: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorbis_comment xiph.org/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html gophernet.org/articles/vorbiscomment.html reactor-core.org/ogg-tagging.html The last of these articles was not available when I tried to click on it but I don't know if it has gone away permenantly or if this is just a temporary issue. I found a copy in the Internet Archive: web.archive.org/web/20061004152153/http://reactor-core.org/ogg-tagging.html and also in the Google cache: google.com/search?q=cache:http://www.reactor-core.org/ogg-tagging.html There is also a Wiki in which there seems to be some debate: wiki.xiph.org/index.php/VorbisComment One difficulty, of course, is that whereas you can add any tag you like to your files you won't necessarily get any of the players to use it either for display or indexing. My personal approach is a bit mixed but in summary: 1. For popular music stick to the artist, album and title as normally used. In the case of compilation albums the album tag is the name of the compilation album but the artist tag is the artist name for the track (and not "Various Artists"). 2. For classical music: 2a. Add composer, ensemble, performer and conductor tags and then make the artist tag whichever of those I would want the player to display and expect to use when searching for it. 2b. If the track is part of a complete work, for example it is one movement of a symphony and there are tracks for the other movements, make the album tag the name of the complete work and the title the name of the movement. 2c. If the track is an isolated piece of a complete work such as would be found on some of the classical compilation albums then make the album tag the name of the compilation and the title tag contain both the name of the work and which movement. I also have my CD ripper automatically add the CDDB id of the CD the track came from. In the case where the album tag has been used for the name of the work this 'cddb' tag is what would enable me to link the track with others from the same physical CD. HTH, Steve.
There has been recent work on an advanced metadata format for Ogg content (music and everything else) named M3F[1]. None of the Xiph tools currently support it, though, so I would say for now stick with Vorbis Comments, unless of course you (or someone else you may know) would like to expand applications in that direction. -Ivo [1] wiki.xiph.org/index.php/M3F