Better late than never :) jack. --- Ogg Traffic for Tuesday, November 13, 2001 Jack Moffitt <[1]> _________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. [2]Support The Ogg Project 2. [3]Status Updates 2.1. [4]Stan Seibert 2.2. [5]Chris Wolf 3. [6]New Developments 3.1. [7]Ogg On A Chip Project 3.2. [8]Ogg Vorbis For Dreamcast 3.3. [9]Tarkin Interface To Ogg 4. [10]Interesting Happenings 4.1. [11]Ashampoo Media Player+ 4.2. [12]XMPlay2 1. Support The Ogg Project The Foundation is the not-for-profit company that funds and manages the Ogg, Icecast, and other related projects. We are now accepting donations via [13]PayPal. Please consider contributing to our efforts by sending a donation to <[14]> via PayPal. 2. Status Updates The Ogg team is still pushing towards RC3 among other goals. Here is a quick update from some of the most active developers in the last few weeks. 2.1. Stan Seibert Stan, with the help of other contributors, has been working with libao on OS X and working on the ALSA plugin. 2.2. Chris Wolf Chris Wolf has tagged his updated Win32 modules. The new modules can be checked out from the win32-tools and win32sdk modules with the tag vorbis1_0_public_release_candidate_2p1. All Win32 developers should be these updated modules. 3. New Developments Not a whole lot happened this week; everyone is just coding. 3.1. Ogg On A Chip Project Pattara Kiatisevi [15]announced the Ogg on a Chip project, which will implement Ogg in form of a "system-on-a-chip" using "hardware/software co-design techniques". More information on the project can be found at the [16]sourceforge project page. k 3.2. Ogg Vorbis For Dreamcast Thorsten Titze wrote in with the latest status of his Dreamcast Ogg Vorbis code. It has now been included into the Open Source KOS Operating System. This allows hobbyist Dreamcast programmer to easy write games and tools using Ogg Vorbis. KallistiOS can be found at its [17]sourceforge project page. 3.3. Tarkin Interface To Ogg Olivier has been [18]proposing how Tarkin should be packetized and interfaced to the Ogg layer. A first cut at this has also been committed to the w3d module in CVS. 4. Interesting Happenings A lot of mail comes in to the various lists as well as to the team's personal mailboxes. The following is a highlight of the interesting things that have been mentioned or announced. 4.1. Ashampoo Media Player+ Tim Green wrote in to announce the release of Ashampoo Media Player+, his company's new audio and video player including CD burning features. The player should be on the [19]website. 4.2. XMPlay2 Ian Luck announced the release of XMPlay2 which now has support for Ogg including streaming. More details are available at [20] References 1. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.