> > I'm developing a dictation application on the Dell
> Axim (Windows
> > Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC). A key requirement of the
> application is the
> > best possible sampling rate as the audio goes into
> a
> speech reco
> > system. So, I've set up my wrapper around libspeex
> to capture audio
> > (1 channel, 22050Hz, 16 bits/sample) in blocks of
> the frame size.
> > However, the encoder lags significantly -
> typically
> upwards of 2000
> > frames, at complexity <= 1 and quality <= 3. I've
> a
> Just a detail here. 22.05 kHz is not recommended for
> Speex. I suggest
> you use 16 kHz.
> Jean-Marc
Yes. Since my wonderful speech engine "requires" 22,
but actually works on 16kHz, I was able move down to
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