similar to: Samba update FreeBSD

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Samba update FreeBSD"

2001 May 03
Unicode pages
Hope someone can help here: I have upgraded from Samba 2.0.7 to Samba 2.2.0 without changing anything in the config files, and everything goes well. Now I am looking at what can and what must be changed for this new version. Currently there are three things in the SmbClient that I am wondering about: - SmbClient constantly complains about a missing codepage (850). After looking at the doc, I
2001 Mar 26
undesired root password change
After I have found the solutions for the login troubles, I have stumbled upon the next rather annoying problem, perhaps hav I done something very wrong, but if someone knows anything about the following then please... Samba 2.0.7 on FreeBSD 4.2-stable Windows 95 workstations I used plaintext password, everything OK. When I put the parm "encrypt passwords = true", no one can login, until
2001 Mar 27
SOLVED! (sort off) root password change
In addition to my last two messages about Samba updating the password foor root when unix sync is desired: I have found out the cause of this password change thing. With the parm "passwd chat debug = Yes" and "log level = 100" When I look in the logs while changing the password with unix sync, the following happens: [2001/03/27 09:34:20, 10, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
2001 Mar 23
Login Failure
Greetings. Is there something up with Samba and RedHat, or with recent kernels, or with some packages that have been updated recently? A lot of us seem to see the same login errors with samba and I have yet to get my windows clients to login to my new samba server. The log messages really don't help. I had an old server running Samba 2.0.7 (RedHat 5.0 upgraded to nearly 5.2 with 2.0.33).
1999 Feb 21
Samba Questions
Hello, I have couple questions regarding Samba. 1. In the smb.conf, what does "security = DOMAIN" mean? 2. I would like to samba into the firewall so that people can't connect through TCP/IP. What port (tcp or udp) does samba use? 3. How can I prompt user for entering login name instead of using Win95 login name for Win95 users? That's all for now. Thanks for your help.
2002 Dec 13
Some doubts
Hi, I'm trying to setup samba server on FreeBSD-4.7-STABLE, with samba version 2.2.7a. It runs so good (better than our snap server :). I need to know if should be possible, that users can modify, save, and all other possible operations on files except delete it. My users config are, more or less: All users have their uid All users are in same gid Some project admins (they are on
2003 Mar 06
Many processes per user
I have a samba server that starts creating a lot of processes for each connected user, until it renders the system unusable. Then restarting samba solves it all. The last time it crashed I saw 10-12 processes per user. The number of processes keeps growing until we restarted samba. Right now it's working but I see there are 25 of smbd from root. That wasn't happening before. I recall
2013 Jul 03
curl and CVE-2013-2174
Dear members, It may sound a silly question. I have curl installed: # pkg_info |grep curl curl-7.24.0_3 Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) Today portsnap updated the ftp/curl port, and patch-CVE-2013-2174 appeared in files/, but the port version remained such that portaudit, and portupgrade still complain about curl's version. What is the recommended way to
2012 Dec 10
How to update ports tree indexes when using svn
Hi list, after the security announcement ( I use svn to update my local ports tree. I've found out that the port index is not updated. What is the preferred/recommended way to update port indexes when using svn? Thanks, Serguey.
2008 Feb 28
Upgrading to 7.0 - stupid requirements
In says Updating Existing Systems > An upgrade of any existing system to FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE constitutes > a major version upgrade, so no matter which method you use to update > an older system you should reinstall any ports you have installed on > the machine. This will avoid binaries becoming linked to inconsistent > sets
2012 Jun 28
package provider for FreeBSD
Hi again, From examples I have gleaned the following snippet for manifests/site.pp Package { provider => $operatingsystem ? { FreeBSD => freebsd, #FreeBSD => ports, debian => aptitude, redhat => up2date }} Are there providers documented somewhere? I''m not sure where to look, and I haven''t come across it in my
2012 Nov 20
Logging of installed packages.
In the light of this: It would be nice if there was default way to log all package installations from both pkgs and ports. Is there? If not, what would you recommend for doing this? Thanks.
2006 May 22
FreeBSD Security Survey
Dear FreeBSD users and system administrators, While the FreeBSD Security Team has traditionally been very good at investigating and responding to security issues in FreeBSD, this only solves half of the security problem: Unless users and administrators of FreeBSD systems apply the security patches provided, the advisories issued accomplish little beyond alerting potential attackers to the
2016 Nov 04
OpenWrt tinc package, looking for new maintainer
Saverio, it looks I'm using tinc on OpenWRT packaged by you) Thank you for it Is something there in that task, what is harder than ? Anyway, I want to try On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 5:57 PM, Guus Sliepen <guus at> wrote: > On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 03:43:42PM +0100, Saverio Proto wrote: > > > I am not using OpenWrt a
2007 Oct 01
freebsd ports provider patch to use ports tree directly
The included patch is what I''ve been able to throw together in a few hours after studying the pkgtools code. All I''m using the library for at the moment is to resolve the proper base location of the ports tree, but at least by invoking make directly instead of through portupgrade it works *a lot* better. Is there a proper way to include/require a third party ruby library?
2013 Jun 26
portupgrade(1) | portmaster(8) -- which is more effective for large upgrade?
Greetings, I haven't upgraded my tree(s) for awhile. My last attempt to rebuild after an updating src && ports, resulted in nearly installing the entire ports tree, which is why I've waited so long. Try as I might, I've had great difficulty finding something that will _only_ upgrade what I already have installed, _and_ respect the "options" used during the original
2007 Sep 06
freebsd and latest non-devel port installations
hi, i''ve run into somewhat of a snag with my puppet instances: when i try to have puppet install a port via portupgrade, it seems to step up each version in ports to the latest, if there are multiple versions. i''ve run into this with two ports so far: vim and postfix. my package line is: package { postfix: ensure => latest } i am however able to specify the version
2003 May 27
portupgrade issue 4.8-STABLE
Hi all, Having a bit of a problem with portupgrade on a -STABLE machine: [root@erwin]/root: portupgrade -aRn ---> Session started at: Tue, 27 May 2003 22:54:00 +1000 closed stream ---> Session ended at: Tue, 27 May 2003 22:54:01 +1000 (consumed 00:00:01) [root@erwin]/root: pkgdb -F does the same thing. Any clues? cheers, Rob [root@erwin]/root: uname -a FreeBSD erwin.number6
2003 Jul 08
Hardening production servers
Greetings, Apologies if this is not the appropriate list, but my questions are about best practices in maintaining production servers (so I believe I can justify a post in -stable, short of a -release list :) I maintain a modest installation of 6 FreeBSD servers. They're CVSUP'd to RELENG_4_8 (I make buildworld on each individually) and I portupgrade ports as necessary. In an attempt to
2010 Dec 16
Samba upgrade HowTo requested
Dear Samba friends, Last weekend I decided to upgrade the samba server. We were running Samba 3.3 something and FreeBSD portupgrade was complaining that this version should be removed and assumingly replaced by the newest version. I removed the package via portupgrade and installed the 3.5.6 version. The upgrade went quite smoothly in general, but I encountered some difficulties with the printer