On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 13:12:30 +0100
Francesc Guasch <frankie@etsetb.upc.es> wrote:
> I have a samba server that starts creating a lot
> of processes for each connected user, until it
> renders the system unusable. Then restarting samba
> solves it all.
> The last time it crashed I saw 10-12 processes
> per user. The number of processes keeps growing until
> we restarted samba.
> Right now it's working but I see there are 25
> of smbd from root. That wasn't happening before.
> I recall there was only one root process.
> This is
> redhat-release-7.3-1
> kernel-2.4.17
> samba-2.2.7-1.7.3
> In addition I see there is an ugly duplicated samba
> rpm installed. But when I connect to samba it tells
> me it's 2.2.7
> rpm -q samba returns : samba-2.2.4-2 & samba-2.2.7-1.7.3
> I'm checking the logs looking for something weird.
> The mailing list archives didn't help me.
> Any hints ?
> --
> frankie
> --
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First of all, you can start cleaning your system, perhaps dependencies from two
samba packages are doing something goes wrong.
Second, you can limit resources on your system until you find a way to run samba
properly. (on smb.conf you can limit connections "max connections =
number" see smb.conf(5), or limite it using the system)
You can check your smb.conf with "testparm" looking for possible
Other thing to do is search on security advisories if there's a bug on your
system, kernel, etc and finally check your hardware.
I have running samba-2.2.7a on NetBSD-current (80G raid1) with 10 - 20
connections usually, it creates one smbd process for each client. It doesn't
crash and runs nice :), it's giving to users big autocad, microstation,
acrobat files without any problem.
Sergio Jim?nez Romero
CENSA Network Admin.
Dr. Trueta 50 - 54
08005 Vila Olimpica
Barcelona (Spain)