Scott Smith wrote:> hi,
> i''ve run into somewhat of a snag with my puppet instances: when i
try to
> have puppet install a port via portupgrade, it seems to step up each
> version in ports to the latest, if there are multiple versions.
i''ve run
> into this with two ports so far: vim and postfix.
> my package line is:
> package { postfix: ensure => latest }
> i am however able to specify the version i''d like via:
> package { "postfix-2.4.5,1": ensure => latest }
> but for obvious reasons i''d prefer to not have to do this on every
> with multiple versions.
Try ''postfix-2.4*'' for the package name.
> is this something caused by portupgrade itself or is puppet doing it?
A little of both.
The problem you''re seeing is that when you give portinstall a port name
to install, it
works different than from when you run portupgrade. ''portinstall
postfix'' will match every
variation on postfix { postfix1, postfix21, postfix23, postfix22, postfix} and
install all
of them (actually, without the --yes option, it should prompt for each version,
but it
still seems to answer yes somehow). portupgrade will only match against a
package that is
currently installed (which will be all of them at this point).
I''ve been experimenting with the ports provider to get it to work
better, but portupgrade
just doesn''t seem to be made for what we''re trying to do with
it. I think we ought to
ditch portupgrade and just use the ports tree directly and avoid the pkg/port
name globing
Russell A. Jackson <>
Network Analyst
California State University, Bakersfield
One of the pleasures of reading old letters is the knowledge that they
need no answer.
-- George Gordon, Lord Byron