Displaying 20 results from an estimated 44 matches for "spectroscopy".
2007 Jul 18
Can any one help me on format file data.
Hi all.
I'd like know what is the format file saved by Leica
Microsystems TCS SP2-AOBS equipped with a SP2-FCS2 Leica Microsystems
workstation its datas. Cause it save in *.fcs extention file but
ins't flow cytometry standart format file...
Tahnks Horacio.
2011 Mar 02
transform table to matrix
...n imported the data as an indexed data frame, I can't use
the columns
as vectors. Is there a way around this, to convert the data frame as 3
separate vectors? I have been looking all over for a function, and my
programming skills are not great.
Sk Maidul Haque
Scientific Officer-C
Applied Spectroscopy Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Vizag
Mo: 09666429050/09093458503
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2009 Mar 03
PLS regression on near infrared (NIR) spectra data
Dear collegues,
I´ ve worked with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to assess chemical,
physical, mechanical and anatomical properties of wood.
I use "The Unscrambler" software to correlate the matrix of dependent
variables (Y) with the matrix of spectral data (X) and I would like to
migrate to R. The matrix of spectral variables is very large (2345 colu...
2011 May 04
Outlier removal by Principal Component Analysis : error message
I am currently analysis Raman spectroscopic data with the hyperSpec package.
I consulted the documentation on this package and I found an example
work-flow dedicated to Raman spectroscopy (see the address :
I am currently trying to remove outliers thanks to PCA just as they did in
the documentation, but I get a message error I can't explain. Here is my
code :
"#import the data :
T=read.table('bladder bis concatenatio...
2006 Jun 19
Foometrics in R
a series of special volumes. They will be guest edited (I have guest
editors already, although somewhat tentative in some cases). Each volume
will have 5-10 issues (articles) of the usual JSS format.
Psychometrics in R
Political Methodology in R
Econometrics in R
Social Science Methodology in R
Spectroscopy/Chemometrics in R
Ecology in R
If you have suggestions, comments, possible contributions, ideas for
additional volumes and so on, send them to me and I'll forward them to the
appropriate authorities.
Jan de Leeuw; Distinguished Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of
Editor: J...
2006 Nov 28
There exist a FCS package on R-languaje?
Hi all, excuse me by this elementary question. I wish to know if a
package in language R exists to analyze FCS (Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy) datas. And, if it possible, in addition can read the
archives in raw format generated by the ConfoCor2 program.
Thanks Horacio.
Dr. Horacio Castellini http://ar.geocities.com/horacio9573
Proyecto Din?mica d...
2007 Feb 03
JSS Volume 18 (www.jstatsoft.org)
Special Volume on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in R
Guest Edited by Katharine M. Mullen and Ivo H.M. van Stokkum
11 contributions, with software packages and examples
Similar volumes on R in Psychometrics (guest edited by
Jan de Leeuw) and R in Political Methodology (guest edited
by Micah Altman and Simon Jackman) are close to...
2012 Jul 25
hyperSpec user survey
...ave to convince people (adminstration of the
institute) that hyperSpec now has a considerable user base. Obviously,
this is important for getting funding to go on with the development.
It would be extremely helpful if the hyperSpec users among you could
drop me a short email saying
- what kind of spectroscopy you use hyperSpec for
- where you are (country, if possible city and institution/company)
Of course, I'll treat the answers confidentially and I won't use names
etc. and I won't sell any information.
The goal is to have a few slides (geographical distribution of users -
always a nice a...
2009 Jan 14
Vectorization of three embedded loops
Dr. Thomas Terhoeven-Urselmans
Post-Doc Fellow
Soil infrared spectroscopy
World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)
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2000 Sep 28
non-ideal behavior in princomp
...is one of the packages in which it
princomp is a nice function which creates an object for which inspection
methods have been written.
Unfortunately, princomp does not admit cases in which the x matrix is wider
than high (i. e. more variables than observations). Such cases are typical
in spectroscopy and related disciplines. It would be nice if the following
two features were added to princomp:
1. as a default behavior, princomp should digest wider than high matrices
(it should just compute the nontrivial principal compontents).
2. as an optional behavior, princomp should only calculate (and...
2012 Jan 11
Command completion of the R binary / Ubuntu
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
Claudia Beleites
Institute of Photonic Technology
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9
07745 Jena
email: claudia.beleites at ipht-jena.de
phone: +49 3641 206-133
fax: +49 2641 206-399
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2012 Jan 11
Command completion of the R binary / Ubuntu
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
Claudia Beleites
Institute of Photonic Technology
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9
07745 Jena
email: claudia.beleites at ipht-jena.de
phone: +49 3641 206-133
fax: +49 2641 206-399
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2008 May 23
[slightly off topic] Sweave with markdown
...relatively slow
compilation of latex makes it quite impractical for quick studies ( I
once spent 20 minutes trying to get the graph to be at a sensible
scale on the page).
As an alternative, I'm resorting to having a folder per study (I'm
physicist, doing data analysis for optical spectroscopy), with one R
file per analysis and a text file to keep track of the experimental
conditions. When the data is really important / interesting, I've
also tried to write a package: great for storing the data, functions
and commands in a consistent manner (this works fine, but it cannot
2008 Apr 17
Suggestions: Terminology & Pkgs for following spectra over time
Hi Folks... No code to troubleshoot here. I need some suggestions about the
right terminology to use in further searching, and any suggestions about R
pkgs that might be appropriate.
I am in the planning stages of a project in which IR, NMR and other spectra
(I'm a chemist) would be collected on various samples, and individual
samples would be followed over time. The spectra will be feature
2013 Apr 23
Needed: Beta Testers and Summer Camp Students
I'm teaching linear regression this semester and that means I write
more functions for my regression support package "rockchalk". I'm at
a point now were some fresh eyes would help, so if you are a student
in a course on regression, please consider looking over my package
overview document here:
That tells how you can grab
2009 Feb 04
xen - which version is installed?
...thus 3.0.3).
On the other hand if I inquiry xm directly with "xm info" I get:
xen_major : 3
xen_minor : 1
xen_extra : .2-92.1.18.el5
Nuno Ricardo Santos Loureiro da Silva Ferreira
NMR Spectroscopy Research Group
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Utrecht University
Bloembergen gebouw
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
P: +31.(0)30.253 9932
F: +31.(0)30.253 2652
E: n.l.ferreira@uu.nl
W: http://nmr.chem.uu.nl
2008 Jul 10
ppls: version 1.02 including a new data set
...hods based on cross validation.
The most important changes since 1.01 are
(1) a more efficient implementation of the penalized PLS algorithm that
decreases the run-time substantially,
(2) the inclusion of the data set "cookie" that contains measurements
from quantitative near-infrared spectroscopy.
Best regards,
Nicole & Anne-Laure
Dr. Nicole Kr?mer
TU Berlin
Machine Learning/Intelligent Data Analysis fon: (+49) 30 314 78627
Franklinstr. 28/29, 10587 Berlin, Germany fax: (+49) 30 314 78622
web: http://ml.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nkraemer
2007 Oct 03
Foometrics in R
At www.jstatsoft.org we now have three special volumes
Volume 22, Ecology and Ecological Modelling in R (Thomas Kneib and
Thomas Petzoldt, eds.)
Volume 20, Psychometrics in R (Jan de Leeuw and Patrick Mair, eds.)
Volume 18, Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in R (Kate Mullen and Ivo
van Stokkum, eds.)
Coming soon
-- Econometrics in R
-- Political Methodology in R
Gleam in my eye
-- Geosciences / Geostatistics in R
Additional suggestions/proposals always welcome.
Jan de Leeuw; Distinguished Professor and Chair, UCLA Depart...
2007 Nov 19
it looks like ...
in 2007 we will publish seven volumes of JSS (four of them special
Volume 18 Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in R
Volume 19 regular
Volume 20 Psychometrics in R
Volume 21 regular
Volume 22 Ecology and Ecological Modeling in R
Volume 23 is being started, it is a regular volume, and may not fill up
completely. Volume 24 is 'Statistical Modeling of Social Networks with
2008 Jul 10
ppls: version 1.02 including a new data set
...hods based on cross validation.
The most important changes since 1.01 are
(1) a more efficient implementation of the penalized PLS algorithm that
decreases the run-time substantially,
(2) the inclusion of the data set "cookie" that contains measurements
from quantitative near-infrared spectroscopy.
Best regards,
Nicole & Anne-Laure
Dr. Nicole Kr?mer
TU Berlin
Machine Learning/Intelligent Data Analysis fon: (+49) 30 314 78627
Franklinstr. 28/29, 10587 Berlin, Germany fax: (+49) 30 314 78622
web: http://ml.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nkraemer