search for: municipalities

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 84 matches for "municipalities".

2019 May 02
Elegir más de un dato en data frame
Buenas tardes. Tengo un data frame con el que me descargo una serie de datos municipalizados. Después extraigo los que corresponden al municipio que me interesa: paro.municipal <- paro.municipal[paro.municipal$provincia == "28" & paro.municipal$municipio == «115», ]. Todo correcto. El problema viene cuando quiero elegir más de un municipio: paro.municipal <-
2010 Sep 09
Strange output daply with empty strata
Dear list, I get some strange results with daply from the plyr package. In the example below, the average age per municipality for employed en unemployed is calculated. If I do this using tapply (see code below) I get the following result: no yes A NA 36.94931 B 51.22505 34.24887 C 48.05759 51.00198 If I do this using daply: municipality no yes
2012 Nov 20
Multilevel analysis using nlme (lme) . Error using z-scores
...# la$money_per_municipality[601:900] <- 200 #"Gniezno" # # In my model, i want to estimate student's achievments, #so i pick some random data, but I also want to #differentiate between the municipalities la$students_score[la$municipality=="Warszawa"] <- rnorm(n=nrow(la[la$municipality=="Warszawa",]),mean=33,sd=4) la$students_score[la$municipality=="Płock"] <- rnorm(n=nrow(la[la$municipality=="Płock",]),mea...
2007 Apr 08
Error message after upgraing the openssh 4.6P1
Hi, We have upgraded the openssh 4.6P1 on Solaris 8 servers. After upgrade we get the below error message whenever we execute the remote commands using ssh. Please let me know what the fix is for this. Apr 8 03:03:43 dvsrv10 sshd[25379]: [ID 800047] Accepted publickey for osteam from port 35856 ssh2 Apr 8 03:03:50 dvsrv10 sshd[25381]: [ID 800047 auth.error] error:
2013 Mar 11
Optimization in R similar to MS Excel Solver
...matrix, where the cost are distances between each city and each of six centres. ..+ 1 column contains variables, represents number of firms. I want to calculate the minimum cost between cities and centres. Each city can belong only to one of the centres. A model example: costs: distance between municipalities and centres + plus number of firms in each municipality "Municipality" "Centre1" "Centre2" "Centre3" "Centre4" "Centre5" "Centre6" "Firms" "Muni1" 30 20 60 40...
2011 Apr 14
Automatic splitting/combining nested categorical variable in glm
I have a categorical variable with a nested structure. For example, region: a country is split into parts, which in turn contain provinces, which contain municipalities: Part -> Province -> Municipality North Province A Municipality 1 Municipality 2 Municipality 3 ... Province B Municipality 1 ... ... West Province A ... Province B ... ... ... What I would like to do is to au...
2008 Sep 07
restructuring datset problem
Hi, I've got a question regarding the restructering of a data set. What I have are municipality zip-codes and the names of 5'000 built-up areas within municipalities. The following example shows, what I would like to do: Input (Zip-Codes and Names): # CODE NAME #1 3 aaa #2 3 aab #3 3 aac #4 4 bba #5 4 bbb #6 4 bbc #7 4 bbd #8 5 cca #9 5 ccb Desired Out...
2012 Oct 10
mapa municipios Andalucía con R
Hola a todos. Estoy utilizando R , más concretamente los paquetes maptools y sp, para realizar mapas de España por comunidades y provincias y de Andalucía por provincias y municipios. El caso es que para el mapa de municipios en Andalucía, una vez leído el fichero shp con readShapePoly , si luego por ejemplo , quiero poner todos los polígonos de un color utilizando library(maps)
2007 Apr 03
Error messages after upgrading to OpenSSH_4.6p1
Hi, I have upgraded the openssh (OpenSSH_4.6p1) on Solaris 8 server. After upgrading I am getting the below error messages when we execute the commands in remote systems using ssh. However the ssh works fine without any issue. Please let me know is there is any fix for it. Apr 2 03:05:39 hostname sshd[7294]: [ID 800047] Accepted publickey for user from xx.xx.xx.xx port 32808
2017 May 26
Unir municipios
¿Existe alguna función en el paquete "sp" para crear un mapa de comarcas a partir de uno municipal? El "shp" de los municipios lo tengo… necesito crear el "shape" comarcal… Lógicamente tengo un data.frame con la variable "comarca"… Normalmente en google suelo encontrar estas cosas, pero en este caso estoy inusualmente muy perdido… Gracias de antemano.
2012 Mar 13
Manipulate strings reordering some elements
Hi R-Users, I want to manipulate some strings in the following way. I have the following vector with spanish municipalities: municipios<-c("Allande", "Aller", "Amieva", "Avil?s", "Belmonte de Miranda", "Dega?a", "Franco (El)", "Gij?n", "Goz?n", "Grado", "Grandas de Salime", "Quir?s", "Reguer...
2006 Apr 13
Guidance on step() with large dataset (750K) solicited...
Hi. Background - I am working with a dataset involving around 750K observations, where many of the variables (8/11) are unordered factors. The typical model used to model this relationship in the literature has been a simple linear additive model, but this is rejected out of hand by the data. I was asked to model this via kernel methods, but first wanted to play with the parametric
2024 Dec 13
Confirmation of no Electronic Communication functionality
Hi, I am trying to download R version 3.6.1 onto my company computer and need an email confirming that r does not include any electronic communication functionality within the program. Thank you very much! Best, Edward Woo Edward Woo Municipals Securities Group Jefferies LLC 520 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10022 Phone: 212-708-2958 ewoo at<mailto:ewoo at
2015 Apr 29
cantidad de datos
Estimados dos consultas. -Debo de trabajar con 280,000.00 casos y 20 variables. Quisiera saber si el programa soporta sin ningún inconveniente análisis cluster y discriminantes, así como análisis uni variados y bi variados. -Cuando se grafica un dendograma como puedo hacer para que todas las líneas de los casos, partan desde el X, porque cuando se genera se visualiza bien desordenado (unas líneas
2015 Apr 29
cantidad de datos
Bueno mi máquina es: HP Windows 7 Procesador Core I5 de 2.5 GHz 4 GB de Ram (2.94 GB utilizables) Sistema operativo de 32 bits Versión de R, 3.2.0 Atte. Ricardo Alva Valiente Analista de Control Preventivo Unidad de Prevención Of. Recuperaciones ? CC Boulevard Chiclayo '(074) 232740 RPC 978194441 RPM *157793 ?riav en
2015 Apr 29
cantidad de datos
Buen aporte?excelente!! Atte. Ricardo Alva Valiente De: Jose Luis Cañadas Reche [mailto:canadasreche en] Enviado el: miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015 12:51 PM Para: Alva Valiente, Ricardo (RIAV); 'javier.ruben.marcuzzi en'; R-help-es en Asunto: Re: [R-es] cantidad de datos Podrías hacer varios kmedias con diferente número de clusters y comprobar como
2016 Jan 28
help estadística!!!!!
Buenas tengo una consulta. Tengo un grupo de 15,000 clientes a los cuales debo de segmentar en base a variables que por sus características pueden ser agrupadas en 4 grupos. Lo primero que he realizado es segmentar las variables pero de cada grupo (xq necesito realizar un análisis sobre esto) mediante el análisis clúster y luego realizar una segmentación con todas las variables, también utilizando
2005 Jul 19
ROC curve with survival data
Hi everyone, I am doing 5 years mortality predictive index score with survival analysis using a Cox proportional hazard model where I have a continous predictive variable and a right censored response which is the mortality, and the individuals were followed a maximum of 7 years. I'd like to asses the discrimination ability of survival analysis Cox model by computing a ROC curve and area
2005 Dec 14
Need help for a statistical problem
Hello Dear I need to select among 700 objects a good representative sample. These objects could be residential houses, commercial buildings, trucks, etc. How to get a good sample size and select a set of objects that is very representative. The second part of my question is to find a statistical model in R that detects objects that are most likely used as their owners told the municipality. For
2009 Oct 19
Combobox population by means of JQuery and Ajax.
This is the view municipalities.js.erb I have: <% list_opt = options_from_collection_for_select(@municipalities, :id, :name) %> <% puts list_opt %> #ok! list_opt contains the options $(''#municipality_id'').html(''<%= list_opt %>''); and this is the combobox in the view: ... Co...