This is the view municipalities.js.erb I have: <% list_opt = options_from_collection_for_select(@municipalities, :id, :name) %> <% puts list_opt %> #ok! list_opt contains the options $(''#municipality_id'').html(''<%= list_opt %>''); and this is the combobox in the view: ... Comune <select id="event_municipality_id" name="event[municipality_id]"></select> ... if instead of ''<%= list_opt %>'' I manually assign the string ''<option value="316">Alagna</option> <option value="317">Albano</option> <option value="318">AliceCastello</option> <option value="319">Arborio</option> ...'' into list_opt then the combo municipality_id correctly works, if I use options_from_collection_for_select doesn''t works (empy combobox) but that string is the same of options_from_collection_for_select then why doesn''t work ? :( Thank you, Alessandro -- Posted via