Here's what I tried:
# data frame versions (aggregate, ddply):
aggregate(age ~ municipality + employed, data = data.test, FUN = mean)
municipality employed age
1 B no 55.57407
2 C no 44.67463
3 A yes 41.58759
4 B yes 43.59330
5 C yes 43.82545
ddply(data.test, .(municipality, employed), summarise, mean = mean(age))
municipality employed mean
1 A yes 41.58759
2 B no 55.57407
3 B yes 43.59330
4 C no 44.67463
5 C yes 43.82545
It appears that aggregate() silently removes groups where no observations
are present, but ddply() has an option .drop, which when set to FALSE,
returns NaN for the not employed group in municipality A:
ddply(data.test, .(municipality, employed), summarise, avgage = mean(age),
.drop = FALSE)
municipality employed avgage
1 A no NaN
2 A yes 41.58759
3 B no 55.57407
4 B yes 43.59330
5 C no 44.67463
6 C yes 43.82545
# tapply/daply
with(data.test, tapply(age, list(municipality, employed), mean))
no yes
A NA 41.58759
B 55.57407 43.59330
C 44.67463 43.82545
daply(data.test, .(municipality, employed), function(d){mean(d$age)} )
municipality no yes
A 41.58759 44.67463
B 55.57407 43.82545
C 43.59330 NA
The .drop argument has a different meaning in daply. Some R functions have
an na.last argument, and it may be that somewhere in daply, there is a
function call that moves all NAs to the end. The means are in the right
order except for the first, where the NA is supposed to be, so everything is
offset in the table by 1. I've cc'ed Hadley on this.
On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:43 AM, Jan van der Laan <rhelp@eoos.dds.nl>
> Dear list,
> I get some strange results with daply from the plyr package. In the example
> below, the average age per municipality for employed en unemployed is
> calculated. If I do this using tapply (see code below) I get the following
> result:
> no yes
> A NA 36.94931
> B 51.22505 34.24887
> C 48.05759 51.00198
> If I do this using daply:
> municipality no yes
> A 36.94931 48.05759
> B 51.22505 51.00198
> C 34.24887 NA
> daply generates the same numbers. However, these are not in the correct
> cells. For example, in municipality A everybody is employed. Therefore, the
> NA should be in the cell for unemployed in municipality A.
> Am I using daply incorrectly or is there indeed something wrong with the
> output of daply?
> Regards,
> Jan
> I am using version 1.1 of the plyr-package.
> # Generate some test data
> data.test <- data.frame(
> municipality=rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=10),
> employed=sample(c("yes", "no"), 30, replace=TRUE),
> age=runif(30,20,70))
> # Make sure everybody is employed in municipality A
> data.test$employed[data.test$municipality == "A"] <-
> # Compare the output of tapply:
> tapply(data.test$age, list(data.test$municipality, data.test$employed),
> mean)
> # to that of daply:
> daply(data.test, .(municipality, employed), function(d){mean(d$age)} )
> # results of ddply are the samen as tapply
> ddply(data.test, .(municipality, employed), function(d){mean(d$age)} )
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