search for: ensonique

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "ensonique".

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2004 Sep 10
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 08:41:56AM -0700, wrote: > On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 08:34:05PM -0800, Josh Green wrote: > > > Steve Lhomme wrote: > > > > > > You might try to contact the makers of FruityLoops. Right now their > > > samples packs are in Ogg format (stored in a WAV IIRC). They like open > > > and free formats (they also
2004 Sep 10
..., > but I'd > > > > much rather stick to lossless, at least for now. > > Honestly, stick to lossless. I mean, to the point where you can get > your exact samples back. Sure, an S900 sample is not so great quality, > but having come from the era where I did the 13-bit Ensonique stuff, > you know, even then we were saying that the Jupiter-8 had a sound all > it's own. The stuff you ripped in on your Ensonique (or, God help me, > older sampler) will never sound the same played back on something > else, > but the point is, if you ever want to go back to th...
2001 Dec 18
What systems are you using to listen to Oggs? folks use to listen to your music? I have a P-III 500 with Altec Lansing speakers in the dining room and a P-II 350 with Labtec speakers in the Guestroom/office. Sorry, I can't remember what model the Lansings are off the top of my head. The Labtec speakers are fairly cheap. I have a PCI ensonique sound card in the P-III system. I not sure what kind of sound card is in the P-II system. Both systems are networked so I can play music from either one. I have my mp3s and Oggs on three different partitions on the two systems. I send the signal over to my old stereo (over 20 years) through the...