Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "bessel_i".
2007 Jun 18
two bessel function bugs for nu<0
#bug 1: besselI() for nu<0 and expon.scaled=TRUE
#tested with R-devel (2007-06-17 r41981)
x <- 2.3
nu <- -0.4
print(paste(besselI(x, nu, TRUE), "=", exp(-x)*besselI(x, nu, FALSE)))
#$ diff bessel_i_old.c bessel_i_new.c
#< bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. : 2.*exp(-x))/M_PI
#> bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. : 2.*exp(-2.0*x))/M_PI
#bug 2: besselY() for nu<0
#don't know how to check in R; a few random checks against mathematica 5.2
#$ d...
2010 Feb 10
looping problem
> z <- (x1/bt1)+(x2/bt2); z
[1] 0.1547886
> newton_gam(z)
Error in integrate(fprime, lower = 0, upper = z) :
non-finite function value
In addition: There were 22 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Warning messages:
1: In besselI(z * c2, a) : value out of range in 'bessel_i'
2: In besselI(z * c2, a) : value out of range in 'bessel_i'
3: In besselI(z * c2, a) : value out of range in 'bessel_i'
4: In besselI(z * c2, a) : value out of range in 'bessel_i'
5: In besselI(z * c2, a) : value out of range in 'bessel_i'
I try checking the b...
2002 Jan 22
compile problem with bessel_i.c on IRIX64 flexor 6.5 10100655 IP35 (uname -a) (PR#1275)
I have included the full configure/make output:
(the particular error regarding bessel_i.c is at
the END of the report).
-walter tautz
cd build/R-1.4.0 \
&& unset noclobber \
&& CPPFLAGS=" " \
./configure --prefix=/software/r-1 \
--datadir=/software/r-1/data \
1999 Mar 06
bessel_?.c constants
Hi All,
I've been digging around in src/nmath and have discovered that there are
two sets of "machine constants" in bessel_l.c and bessel_j.c which have
different values:
bessel_i.c: static double ensig = 1e16;
bessel_i.c: static double rtnsig = 1e-4;
bessel_i.c: static double enmten = 8.9e-308;
bessel_i.c: static double enten = 1e308;
bessel_j.c: static double ensig = 1e17;
bessel_j.c: static double rtnsig = 1e-4;
bessel_j.c: static double enmten = 1.2...
1999 Mar 06
bessel_?.c constants (fwd)
To: R devel <r-devel@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Subject: bessel_?.c constants
Hi All,
I've been digging around in src/nmath and have discovered that there are
two sets of "machine constants" in bessel_l.c and bessel_j.c which have
different values:
bessel_i.c: static double ensig = 1e16;
bessel_i.c: static double rtnsig = 1e-4;
bessel_i.c: static double enmten = 8.9e-308;
bessel_i.c: static double enten = 1e308;
bessel_j.c: static double ensig = 1e17;
bessel_j.c: static double rtnsig = 1e-4;
bessel_j.c: static double enmten = 1.2...
1999 Feb 24
Compiling R on Sunos
I'm looking for some help in getting R to compile on Sunos. We run a
collection of Sunos and Solaris machines in the department here. I got
to compile on Solaris 2.5.1 using gcc On my Sunos 4.1.3 (and
I've tried it on Sunos 4.1.4 as well) machines, it crashes during the
compile. I'm using gcc 2.8.1 on there. It gets to this point:
gcc -g -O2 -I../include
2009 Mar 17
R does not compile any more on FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT
...-g -O2 -c signrank.c -o signrank.o
rm -rf libnmath.a
ar cr libnmath.a mlutils.o d1mach.o i1mach.o fmax2.o fmin2.o fprec.o
fround.o ftrunc.o sign.o fsign.o imax2.o imin2.o chebyshev.o log1p.o
expm1.o lgammacor.o gammalims.o stirlerr.o bd0.o gamma.o lgamma.o
gamma_cody.o beta.o lbeta.o polygamma.o bessel_i.o bessel_j.o bessel_k.o
bessel_y.o choose.o snorm.o sexp.o dgamma.o pgamma.o qgamma.o rgamma.o
dbeta.o pbeta.o qbeta.o rbeta.o dunif.o punif.o qunif.o runif.o dnorm.o
pnorm.o qnorm.o rnorm.o dlnorm.o plnorm.o qlnorm.o rlnorm.o df.o pf.o
qf.o rf.o dnf.o dt.o pt.o qt.o rt.o dnt.o dchisq.o pchisq.o q...
2010 Jun 15
Error in nlm : non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'
Error in nlm(f, p = c(-0.2354, 3.269e-05)) :
non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
Warning messages:
1: In besselI(2 * vector[2], data$PC) : value out of range in 'bessel_i' # all warnings are the same
I would like to know what are the possible ways to avoid having non-finite value.
Thank you very much.
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerf...
2002 Oct 17
underflow handling in besselK (PR#2179)
The besselK() function knows about overflows/underflows internally;
there is a constant xmax_BESS_K in src/nmath/bessel.h (and referred to
only in bessel_k.c), equal to 705.342, which is checked if expon.scaled is
FALSE. (The equivalent number for bessel_i.c is 709, defined as
exparg_BESS in bessel.h.) However, besselK(x) silently returns +Inf if
x>705.342. This behavior is reasonable for besselI (where the problem is
an overflow), but seems wrong for besselK (since the problem here is an
*underflow*). The answer may be as simple as returning 0...
1999 May 03
problems compiling R-0.63.3 on alpha
...exact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c beta.c -o beta.o
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c lbeta.c -o
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c polygamma.c -o
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_i.c -o
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_j.c -o
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_k.c -o
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_y.c -o
gcc -ieee_with_...
1999 May 03
compilation of R-0.63.3 on alpha (PR#183)
...I../include -I../../src/include -c beta.c -o =
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c lbeta.c -o=
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c polygamma.=
c -o =
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_i.c=
-o =
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_j.c=
-o =
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_k.c=
-o =
gcc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_y.c=
-o =
1998 Dec 08
R compile problems with AIX
...src/include -c gamma_cody.c -o gamma_cody.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c beta.c -o beta.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c lbeta.c -o lbeta.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c polygamma.c -o polygamma.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_i.c -o bessel_i.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_j.c -o bessel_j.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_k.c -o bessel_k.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_y.c -o bessel_y.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c choose.c -o choo...
1998 Dec 08
R compile problems with AIX
...src/include -c gamma_cody.c -o gamma_cody.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c beta.c -o beta.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c lbeta.c -o lbeta.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c polygamma.c -o polygamma.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_i.c -o bessel_i.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_j.c -o bessel_j.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_k.c -o bessel_k.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c bessel_y.c -o bessel_y.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c choose.c -o choo...
2010 Jun 15
nlm is
Error in nlm(f, p = c(-0.2354, 3.269e-05)) :
non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
Warning messages:
1: In besselI(2 * vector[2], data$PC) : value out of range in 'bessel_i' # all warnings are the same
I would like to know what are the possible ways to avoid having non-finite value.
Thank you very much.
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s...
2017 Aug 18
No rule to make target all.R, needed by compiler.rdb building R 3.4.1 from source, Scientific Linux release 6.9 (Carbon)
generating libtre.a:
*rm -rf libnmath.a*
*ar -cr libnmath.a mlutils.o d1mach.o i1mach.o fmax2.o fmin2.o fprec.o
fround.o ftrunc.o sign.o fsign.o imax2.o imin2.o chebyshev.o log1p.o
expm1.o lgammacor.o gammalims.o stirlerr.o bd0.o gamma.o lgamma.o
gamma_cody.o beta.o lbeta.o polygamma.o cospi.o bessel_i.o bessel_j.o
bessel_k.o bessel_y.o choose.o snorm.o sexp.o dgamma.o pgamma.o qgamma.o
rgamma.o dbeta.o pbeta.o qbeta.o rbeta.o dunif.o punif.o qunif.o runif.o
dnorm.o pnorm.o qnorm.o rnorm.o dlnorm.o plnorm.o qlnorm.o rlnorm.o df.o
pf.o qf.o rf.o dnf.o dt.o pt.o qt.o rt.o dnt.o dchisq.o pchisq.o qc...
2001 Jul 25
Installation help
making gammalims.d from gammalims.c
making stirlerr.d from stirlerr.c
making bd0.d from bd0.c
making gamma.d from gamma.c
making lgamma.d from lgamma.c
making gamma_cody.d from gamma_cody.c
making beta.d from beta.c
making lbeta.d from lbeta.c
making polygamma.d from polygamma.c
making bessel_i.d from bessel_i.c
making bessel_j.d from bessel_j.c
making bessel_k.d from bessel_k.c
making bessel_y.d from bessel_y.c
making choose.d from choose.c
making snorm.d from snorm.c
making sexp.d from sexp.c
making dgamma.d from dgamma.c
making pgamma.d from pgamma.c
making qgamma.d from qgamma.c
2018 Feb 09
R Compilation gets stuck on Windows 64
Please note that building R on Windows is documented in "R Installation
and Administration", including links to external software. Particularly
there is a link to texinfo which is part of Rtools. The documentation is
maintained and it is a sufficient source of information for building R
on Windows.
2000 Oct 31
conflicting types for `Rf_stirlerr
...making lgammacor.d from lgammacor.c
making gammalims.d from gammalims.c
making stirlerr.d from stirlerr.c
making gamma.d from gamma.c
making lgamma.d from lgamma.c
making gamma_cody.d from gamma_cody.c
making beta.d from beta.c
making lbeta.d from lbeta.c
making polygamma.d from polygamma.c
making bessel_i.d from bessel_i.c
making bessel_j.d from bessel_j.c
making bessel_k.d from bessel_k.c
making bessel_y.d from bessel_y.c
making choose.d from choose.c
making snorm.d from snorm.c
making sexp.d from sexp.c
making dgamma.d from dgamma.c
making pgamma.d from pgamma.c
making qgamma.d from qgamma.c
2012 Aug 11
compile fails with x86_64-alpine-linux-uclibc-gcc
making gammalims.d from gammalims.c
making stirlerr.d from stirlerr.c
making bd0.d from bd0.c
making gamma.d from gamma.c
making lgamma.d from lgamma.c
making gamma_cody.d from gamma_cody.c
making beta.d from beta.c
making lbeta.d from lbeta.c
making polygamma.d from polygamma.c
making bessel_i.d from bessel_i.c
making bessel_j.d from bessel_j.c
making bessel_k.d from bessel_k.c
making bessel_y.d from bessel_y.c
making choose.d from choose.c
making snorm.d from snorm.c
making dgamma.d from dgamma.c
making sexp.d from sexp.c
making pgamma.d from pgamma.c
making qgamma.d from qgamma.c
2008 Dec 22
Error compiling R.2.8.1 with gcc 4.4 on Mac OS 10.5.6
making gammalims.d from gammalims.c
making stirlerr.d from stirlerr.c
making bd0.d from bd0.c
making gamma.d from gamma.c
making lgamma.d from lgamma.c
making gamma_cody.d from gamma_cody.c
making beta.d from beta.c
making lbeta.d from lbeta.c
making polygamma.d from polygamma.c
making bessel_i.d from bessel_i.c
making bessel_j.d from bessel_j.c
making bessel_k.d from bessel_k.c
making bessel_y.d from bessel_y.c
making choose.d from choose.c
making snorm.d from snorm.c
making sexp.d from sexp.c
making dgamma.d from dgamma.c
making qgamma.d from qgamma.c
making pgamma.d from pgamma.c