Displaying 20 results from an estimated 152 matches for "anglai".
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2002 Mar 12
Heineken Face EU Fines for Curbing Rivalry
...and Portugal are continuing, the commission said without naming the companies.
Unlike in the U.S., there are no provisions under EU law for victims of a cartel to obtain damages, or for the perpetrators to face criminal proceedings.
(Bloomberg, 1/3/2002)
Carlsberg profile:
The transnational corporations observatory
BP 96
13693 Martigues Cedex
2004 Oct 07
TDM400P with FXO/FXS hangup problem
...exten => s,4,ResponseTimeout,3
; menu d'accueil et de premier choix de langue
exten => s,5,Background(fr_bienvenue)
exten => s,6,Background(fr_continuer)
exten => s,7,Background(en_continuer)
;les choix de langue :
; 1 -> fran?ais :
exten => 1,1,Goto(francais,s,1)
; 2 -> anglais :
exten => 2,1,Goto(anglais,s,1)
; timeout, retour au menu de langue :
exten => t,1,Goto(entrant,s,5)
; choix invalide :
exten => i,1,Playback(fr_invalide)
exten => i,2,Goto(entrant,s,6)
exten => s,1,DigitTimeout,2
exten => s,2,ResponseTimeout,3
exten => s,3,Back...
2010 Nov 23
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
URL : <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20101123/db21b78a/attachment.pl>
2005 Jun 26
(sans objet)
Ma premi??re question: puis-je ??crire en fran??ais, mon anglais est
pire que pire. J'essaie en fran??ais; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction!
Je sduis d??butant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine.
Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple:
J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle "eurostat" qui me...
2007 Aug 05
Salut alex, est-ce qu''il est possible d''avoir la liste de tous les accents qu''il est possible de représenter avec wxruby2,
comme "é" par exemple.
wxruby-users mailing list
2011 Jul 29
R DDD fortran
...n Writing R Extensions. (I see about Valgrind, debugging a segfault, and some other tricks, but what I really want is to follow the fortran logic.)
Thanks for any pointers,
La version française suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and the Bank of
Canada does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use, or copying of this
email or the information it contains by oth...
2008 Aug 03
(sans objet)
- Peut-on poser des questions en fran?ais?
- Tr?s simple. Je fais un programme "truc.r" (sous emacs)
Ce programme r?alise des graphiques.
Je voudrais les enregistrer au fur et ? mesure -- sinon, quand la
session est finie, ces graphiques sont perdus--
J'ai essay?:
Mais le fichier "truc.pdf" cr?? est vide.
Comment fait-on?
Merci et salutations
2008 Jun 07
Olivier Castien/Roncq/Infofrance/FRA/TZG est absent.
Je serai absent(e) ? partir du 06/06/2008 de retour le 30/06/2008.
Je r?pondrai ? votre message d?s mon retour. En cas d'urgence, vous pouvez
contacter l'?quipe technique d'infofrance.
2006 Mar 31
...so, would it be possible to make package?<pac> find the overview
without the package being attached, or at least give a more informative
error message.
Paul Gilbert
La version fran?aise suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential inform...{{dropped}}
2006 Apr 17
slot named C
...quot;, representation ( C. = "numeric"))
[1] "testobj"
> new("testobj", C.= 2)
An object of class "testobj"
Slot "C.":
[1] 2
La version fran?aise suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential inform...{{dropped}}
2008 Feb 04
r-release Windows x86_64
other columns too. It is something that has been fixed in my sources
for awhile. (I think it was fixed in the version on CRAN too, but I'm
not certain.)
Paul Gilbert
La version fran?aise suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential in...{{dropped:26}}
2006 Jun 02
task view errors
...be installed/used under Windows.
ERROR: configuration failed for package 'mimR'
** Removing
La version fran?aise suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential inform...{{dropped}}
2007 Aug 11
Salut alex,
j''utilise ce bout de code pour faire apparaître mon texte dans ma fenêtre:
@dou = TextCtrl.new(@s, -1, "", Point.new(10, 70), Size.new(410, 210), TE_RICH | TE_MULTILINE)
@dou << "je vais à l''école"
le problème c''est que l''encodage ne marche pas.Je ne peut pas mettre l''accentuation.J''ai essayer pas mal de
2008 May 13
...nut/upssched-cmd every 5 minutes to verify the
level of battery of the UPS and decide on the action to be run.
Is there an option in the configuration which I was able to forget?
Other question : there is another command than WALL to show the result
in screen
(D?sol? pour mon mauvais anglais)
Je viens de cr?er un script pour installer NUT
Je g?re les ?v?nements avec UPSSCHED et je voudrais savoir comment
lancer cette commande via /etc/nut/upssched-cmd tous les 5 minutes afin
de v?rifier le niveau de batterie de l'onduleur et d?cider de l'action ?
2010 Mar 05
CRAN nearly down?
Is CRAN having trouble or is it just me? (The web interface is very
slow and install.packages() is timing out and giving me "service not
La version française suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and the Bank of
Canada does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use, or copying of this
email or the information it contains by oth...
2007 May 10
R talks at LSM 2007
Dear R users and developers,
Would any of you be interested in giving a lecture about R and/or R
use cases at the following free software conference that takes place
in Amiens, France, next summer?
We already had a talk on R last year by Yves Croissant
(http://2006.rmll.info/theme_26?lang=en) but are still open to any
submission this year.
We expect some talks this year (to be confirmed) about
2011 Feb 03
S3 method for S4 object
...is there an easy way to do this, or do I have to convert the generic to S4 and then make those methods deal with the S3 objects?
(Using R 2.12.1 on Ubuntu 10.10.)
Paul Gilbert
La version française suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and the Bank of
Canada does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use, or copying of this
email or the information it contains by oth...
2010 Apr 19
...enter new name. (Default extension: def)
! Emergency stop.
<read *>
l.118 \endinput
* checking PDF version of manual without index ... ERROR
La version française suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and the Bank of
Canada does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use, or copying of this
email or the information it contains by oth...
2009 Oct 15
R RSS feed
and that DTDs are a little bit unusual in RSS feeds (but said it is not
impossible). I'm a complete novice in this, just pointing it out in case
it is a bug.
La version fran?aise suit le texte anglais.
This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and the Bank of
Canada does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use, or copying of this
email or the information it contains by oth...
2000 May 18
tutorial "R pour les débutants" is available on CRAN
...tilisateurs qui n'ont aucune exp?rience avec R (ou S). J'ai essay? de
simplifier les explications, tout en donnant des d?tails utiles (le plus
souvent sous forme de tableaux). Tout commentaire ou suggestion serait
grandement appr?ci?. Si certaines personnes pensent qu'une tranduction en
anglais serait utile, je serais pr?t ? examiner cette possibilit?.
Emmanuel Paradis
Laboratoire de Pal?ontologie
Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution
Universit? Montpellier II
F-34095 Montpellier c?dex 05
phone: +33 4 67 14 39 64
fax: +33 4 67 14 36 10
mailto:paradis at isem.univ-montp2...