you could try a file /etc/logrotate.d/samba-local with this content
/var/log/samba/log.rpcd_spoolss {
?? ?weekly
?? ?missingok
?? ?rotate 7
?? ?compress
?? ?delaycompress
?? ?notifempty
Le 27/11/2023 ? 10:12, Stefan G. Weichinger via samba a
?crit?:> Am 28.03.23 um 10:40 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
>> On 28/03/2023 08:40, Arnaud FLORENT via samba wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> i am running samba 4.16 as AD-DC controller on Ubuntu 20.04 using
>>> corpit.ru/mjt/packages/samba focal/samba-4.16 repository
>>> everything is running fine but i have few log files in
>>> /var/log/samba/ are not handl by /etc/logrotate.d/samba
>>> log.samba-dcerpcd
>>> log.rpcd_classic
>>> log.rpcd_winreg
>>> log.samba-bgqd
>>> log.rpcd_spoolss
>>> i guess those files size will not grow more than max log size
>>> (default 5M) setting in smb.conf
>>> but i was wondering if I should update my logrotate config to
>>> those files
>>> or may be /etc/logrotate.d/samba from samba package should be
>> It sounds like the package requires updating, the samba-dcerpcd
>> binary was introduced at 4.16.0 and it looks like the logrotate
>> package (which has nothing to do with Samba) hasn't been updated
>> accordingly.
>> In the meantime, until the package does get updated, I suggest you
>> manually update logrotate.
> Could someone share the latest recommended logrotate-stanza for the
> mentioned files?
> I saw a filesystem running full in terms of inodes, logrotate created
> bazillions of rotated files somehow.
> thanks
IRIS Technologies