On 28/03/2023 08:40, Arnaud FLORENT via samba wrote:> Hello
> i am running samba 4.16 as AD-DC controller on Ubuntu 20.04 using
> corpit.ru/mjt/packages/samba focal/samba-4.16 repository
> everything is running fine but i have few log files in /var/log/samba/
> are not handl by /etc/logrotate.d/samba
> log.samba-dcerpcd
> log.rpcd_classic
> log.rpcd_winreg
> log.samba-bgqd
> log.rpcd_spoolss
> i guess those files size will not grow more than max log size (default
> 5M) setting in smb.conf
> but i was wondering if I should update my logrotate config to handle
> those files
> or may be /etc/logrotate.d/samba from samba package should be upgraded?
It sounds like the package requires updating, the samba-dcerpcd binary
was introduced at 4.16.0 and it looks like the logrotate package (which
has nothing to do with Samba) hasn't been updated accordingly.
In the meantime, until the package does get updated, I suggest you
manually update logrotate.