That is what I thought but the fact that I ping example.local and get the
same IP. I'm using bind for DNS. I did get a little further along though.
I have one server on site and another at another office. So I ran
samba-tool ntacl sysvolrest on that server and then I could write to it, so
I made a new folder and it showed up on that server. So I think I have two
1. Need to be able to sync the group policy from any server, so I think I
just need to follow this?
I was thinking this was old, but doesn't appear so because the remote
server doesn't have anything...
2. Why is this local machine not picking the local server and instead going
through the VPN to the remote server?
Thanks for your help.
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Sean M. Pappalardo <
spappalardo at> wrote:
> On 09/03/2014 08:37 AM, Jason Waters wrote:
>> Then instead of using example.local, I just used the IP,
>> then I could see the polices folder!
> That sounds like a DNS problem at first glance. Are you using Samba's
> internal DNS server and is your client machine consulting the Samba box as
> its primary (or only) DNS server?
> Sincerely,
> Sean M. Pappalardo
> Sr. Networks Engineer
> Renegade Technologies
> spappalardo at
> Office: (630) 631-6188