On 25/06/14 11:07, Pascal Legrand wrote:> Hello,
> i plan to migrate from Samba NT4-style domain with ldap backend (samba3)
> to Samba Active Directory (samba4)
> I'm testing this on a "test machine"
> I want to install samba on a debian stable from backport repository.
> The first problem : To install samba i have to be on the same network as
> my samba3 server (internet access)
> But as it is said :
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The migration from an NT4-style domain to Active Directory is a one way
> road! This means that when your clients are contacting the first time
> your migrated AD Domain Controller, then will never access the NT4-style
> domain any more - even if you rollback your changes!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> My first question is : once samba is installed from aptitude, does it
> start automatically? or do i have the time to change ip address of my
> test machine before it start ?
When you install from backports, all of samba is installed and yes it
starts (or tries to start) samba, but as at this point you haven't done
the required setup, the 'samba' daemon does not start, only
'smbd' &
'nmbd' and it starts pretty much as a standalone server.
> The second question :
> do i have to install os requirement before install samba as it is said
> here :
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/OS_Requirements#Debian_.2F_Ubuntu
> or just install samba (dependancy will be installed from aptitude )
> aptitude install samba
> Thanks for your help
The OS requirements that you refer to, are only needed if you are going
to compile Samba yourself, so all that you need to is, as you suggest,
'aptitude install samba', this should install all the required packages.