On Tue, 2012-05-15 at 10:40 +0100, Mike Howard wrote:> Hi All,
> Are there any good, up-to-date hints out there for cross compiling
> Samba4 for Arm?
> I've looked at http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Waf#cross-compiling but
> the info is a little dated it appears. I'm looking to build for the
> dreamplug and based on the info on the wiki I've installed qemu and an
> arm toolchain but 'cross-execute' appears to be ignored. At least
> what it looks like to me.
> The 'config' step fails complaining it can't find the python
> but I suspect the process is failing to run the created arm code.
> Of course I could be way off of base with my assumtions. Maybe I'd be
> better off not using waf? Either way, any hints on cross-compiling
> samba4 greatly appreciated.
I've CC'ed Kai, who is our expert on Samba4 on ARM. Hopefully he can
help you out.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team http://samba.org