We recently replaced a failing PDC, and it seems to be working just fine: # net rpc testjoin Join to 'OURDOMAIN' is OK # net lookup dc OURDOMAIN But the BDC now seems to be having problems. We cannot get new workstations (in the subnet with the BDC) to join the domain, and while logged into the BDC, we get: # net rpc testjoin Unable to find a suitable server Join to domain 'OURDOMAIN' is not valid # net lookup dc # <blank> This BDC was working fine before we replaced the PDC, and I tried: net rpc getsid -S OURDOMAIN -I -U admin%password which says it grabbed the SID. Do I need to rejoin the BDC to the domain? Thanks for any help, ---- Brian H binarynomad at gmail.com http://www.binarynomad.com