David Touzeau
2009-Apr-10 19:38 UTC
[Samba] [samba4][LDAP]: memberOf: attribute type undefined
Dear i'm trying to run samba4 on a debian lenny with LDAP backend when execute slapd -f /etc/samba/ldap/slapd.conf -h ldapi://%2Fetc%2Fsamba%2Fldap% 2Fldapi -d4294967295 the slapd server crash with this output : <<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=samba-admin,cn=samba>, <cn=samba-admin,cn=samba> line 57 (refint_attributes nonSecurityMemberBL nonSecurityMember msDS-NonMembersBL msDS-NonMembers directReports manager bridgeheadServerListBL bridgeheadTransportList msDS-ObjectReferenceBL msDS-ObjectReference msCOM-UserLink msCOM-UserPartitionSetLink msDs-masteredBy msDS-hasMasterNCs siteObjectBL siteObject queryPolicyBL queryPolicyObject masteredBy hasMasterNCs managedObjects managedBy serverReferenceBL serverReference memberOf member) /etc/samba/ldap/slapd.conf: line 57: refint_attributes <memberOf>: attribute type undefined lt-slapd destroy: freeing system resources. slapd stopped. Howto fix it ? best regards.