2009-Mar-10 03:00 UTC
[Samba] Many Samba 3.3.1 manpages have incorrect version number
I am translating the manual of Samba3.3.1. However, I found the mistake of the version number being found in a lot of manual pages. Ex. http://samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/vfs_audit.8.html (and other vfs* manuales,etc) Does it forget to be corrected? -- --- Oota Toshiya --- oota at mail.linux.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp NEC Computers Software Operations Unit Shiba,Minato,Tokyo Open Source Software Platform Development Division Japan,Earth,Solar system (samba-jp/ldap-jp Staff,mutt-j admin,analog-jp/samba-jp postmaster)