Hi all, I am a happy user of SAMBA and I would like to improve my SAMBA configuration to support cross browsing between two subnets. One subnet (subnet A) has the WINS and Domain Master named A.1 (Debian linux machine). The other subnet B, has its own local master browser named B.1 (Centos 4) and I configured it to remote sync and remote announce to the A.1 server. Subnet A has 10 Windows clients which can browse among them (inside subnet A), they can see the other clients in subnet B but they cannot browse it. Subnet B has computer B.1 which is the local browser of that segment, and also acts as router with two interfaces, one for the NET A and the other for the NET B. Ipforwarding is enabled for these interfaces. All clients in subnet B are configured with WINS, pointing to A.1. I can ping, ssh, between all the computers in both subnets, but I cannot make nmbloockup from A.1 the subnet B clients, and from B.X I cannot nmblookup any subnet A client. Which could be the problem? Thanks in advance, Antonio