sure, bet sure to run net getdomainsid and net getlocalsid, write them
down, and set them on the new server with net setdomainsid and net
setlocalsid incase they are different on the new server.
L.P.H. van Belle wrote:> Hi,
> I must upgrade/move my samba to a new server.
> This is the way i want to do this.
> server 1 , backup, copy /etc/samba and /var/lib/samba to new server.
> down server 1
> Server 2
> set ip as server1,
> place backup on server2.
> start server2
> now the questions.
> 1) it this possible.
> 2) server1 is now 3.0.26a ( debian ) and server2 is 3.2.5
> is this possible how i want to do this.
> and things i forgot ?? please email me.
> thanx.
> Louis