What I mean by plain kerberos is the ability to use kerberos as an
authentication mechanism to samba instead of smbpasswd. So... when a
particular user tries to map a samba share, samba would use kerberos to
authenticate the user. Samba would be playing the role of a typical
kerberized application in this case.
Sadique Puthen <sputhenp@redhat.com>
03/09/2008 01:01 PM
Re: [Samba] Samba + Kerberos ONLY NO AD
gerryw@compvia.com wrote:> Hello All,
> I am trying to figure out how to configure Samba to use Kerberos for
> authentication. I have found many how-tos and many posts on integrating
> Samba with AD. This is not what I need to do. I want to eliminate AD. I
> have seen several posts by others who want to do the same thing, but
they > are either answered with something about AD or not at all. Is there a
way > to make Samba just use plain Kerberos for authentication?
What you mean by plain kerberos for authentication? You can use pam_krb5
for kerberos authentication and there is no need to use samba in any way
for this to work. If I have understood ur question wrongly, please
correct me.
> Thanks,
> -G