I have a Debian printer server implemented with SAMBA and CUPS. The
total amount of printing jobs is high (about 600 jobs per hour). The
SAMBA configuration is standard. The main problem is that the smbd
processes which are created for the printing requests collapse the
processor, provoking a slow printing service. ?Could anybody help me
about which are the reasons of this behaviour?
Thanks in advance
/Fernando Naranjo Palomino, Inform?tica Distribuida/
/Centro de C?lculo - Universidad de Zaragoza
Ciudad Escolar s/n (Escuela Universitaria Polit?cnica de Teruel)
44003 TERUEL
Tlf.: Ext. 86-1265 / +34 978 61.82.65
Fax: +34 978 61.81.04/
fnaranjo@unizar.es <mailto:fnaranjo@posta.unizar.es>