Hello, I have a working samba PDC with an old version of samba. I'm moving this to a new server. I've taken the old server off the net and rebooted all windows clients. All further comments are related to the new server. I'm running samba 3.10 with LDAP back end. I can log into the linux console as test-user and the ldap/pam configuration works fine. I can access the samba shares from a windows client as test-user, not logging into the domain, and all accesses work correctly on all shares When I attempt to log into the windows client using the domain served by this samba pdc, I get no username in the log file, and I can't log into the domain. [2007/07/31 07:04:21, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_server_auth(615) Got user=[] domain=[] workstation=[CREVASSE] len1=1 len2=0 and check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user []\[]@[CREVASSE] with the new password interface [2007/07/31 07:04:21, 3] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(222) check_ntlm_password: mapped user is: [EFOS]\[]@[CREVASSE] I figure I've missed something simple but I can't find anybody on the net with a blank username, thanks in advance. doug