On Mon, 30 Jul 2007, Scott Feldstein wrote:
> I am attempting to write a monitor to gather Samba Server performance
> I would like to get raw metrics directly from the server itself rather than
> 3rd party tool. Could anyone point me to docs or enlighten me on how to
> accomplish this?
> I am looking to determine the availability of the server (up or down), the
> number of files requested, any caching information available and anything
> which would be relevant to determining the overall health of the server.
Only way I know of is smbstatus. If there was an interface to smbstatus
where one could pipe commands and you get the results I could use that as
a workable interface to connect "dstat" to a local samba server.
Sadly, forking smbstatus and grepping output for a few counters is more
work than it should be.
So I'm interested as well to learn how to get counters from samba, other
than smbstatus that is :)
Kind regards,
-- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]