Hello everybody, I have a question regarding SAMBA and CIFS. I have a network attached storage (NAS) running Samba 2.2.8a with the following setting: [ global ] client code page = 850 character set = ISO8859-1 Files with German Umlaute (like ?,?,? etc) created from a Windows XP box are saved on the shared storage using ISO8859-1 encoding. I could verified by reading directly the disk of the NAS: [loic@neumann ~]$ ls -b mnt/ A\304O\326\334\334.txt try_\344\366\374.txt [loic@neumann ~]$ ls mnt/ | iconv -f ISO_8859-1 A?O???.txt try_???.txt which is exactly the expected result. Now if I mount this NAS using CIFS: [loic@neumann DNS-323]$ sudo mount -t cifs -o user=loic%xxx,iocharset=iso8859-1 //192.168.xxx.xxx/Volume_1 /mnt/nas/ Then, the filenames are mapped using CP850 encoding, and not ISO-8859-1: [loic@neumann DNS-323]$ ls -b /mnt/nas/ A\216O\231\232\232.txt try_\204\224\201.txt [loic@neumann DNS-323]$ ls /mnt/nas/ | iconv -f CP850 A?O???.txt try_???.txt It looks like that my Linux server is considered like a Windows server. I guess, this is the expected behavior, right? Thanks for your help, Loic. -- GMX FreeMail: 1 GB Postfach, 5 E-Mail-Adressen, 10 Free SMS. Alle Infos und kostenlose Anmeldung: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/freemail