I have a gentoo install, running samba with ldap. I can access the PDC shares and the auth works fine. I can even add a computer to the domain, but after I reboot I can login. Something about not being able to fine the domain. I am not sure where to start looking for the problem. Any Ideas?
2006/10/30, timothy johnson <mr2bigjohnson@gmail.com>:> I have a gentoo install, running samba with ldap. I can access the PDC > shares and the auth works fine. I can even add a computer to the domain, but > after I reboot I can login. Something about not being able to fine the > domain. I am not sure where to start looking for the problem. Any Ideas?First of all: which OS is your client running? If it's Windows 2k/XP, are you able to select with the drop-down menu your domain name?