Did you ever get an answer to this, as I am having the same problem: I'm having an unusual problem with MS PhotoDraw opening and saving files to my Samba server. When I open the file, all's fine. When I try to save the file, I get an error message that says "Unable to save the file. <Filename> could not be found." At this point I have to navigate to the directory where the file was and save it. However, when watching WinExplorer while doing this process, the file actually "disappears" when I hit the save button the first time and get this error. Upon navigating to the directory, there is no file to save over. This appears to happen only with MS PhotoDraw files. I have level 10 debug logs if anyone is interested, here are the rest of the pertinent details. Regards, Paul Lima ******************* www.paullima.com writer@paullima.com *******************