I think you'll find this document helpful. I do not know for certain if the
permissions are the same on Linux, but it _should_ be.
On 9/27/06, Graham, David <dgraham2@range.fairview.org>
> Greetings,
> I seem to have Samba+AD+ACL's working on a RH ES4 server; however,
> looking for clarification in regard to how the ACL's differ between
> windows and samba... or if they differ?
> With windows ACL's, I can give out user permission traverse directory,
> but not read its contents. Then I can give said user more permission to
> a sub folders contents. Meaning: I don't want a user to see what is in
> \\files1\IS <file:///\\files1\IS> but I want to give them
> to the contents of \\files1\IS\meetingminutes
> <file:///\\files1\mamba\meetingminutes> I cant seem to get this to
> with samba.
> I suppose one could always create another share, but it's really not
> ideal solution when this has to be done in many scenarios.
> I am running RH ES4, and from my searching for the answer to this, I
> recall reading that the Linux POSIX specifications aren't as robust as
> NTFS's, would this be correct to assume this is why samba doesn't
> to be able to use the traverse security permission?
> Any insight is appreciated.
> -dg
> --
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