Ok, I've got most everything setup, but I'm not able to confirm
pam_ldap and nss_ldap are working properly. (Actually given the
examples in SBE, they still appear to be returning information from
local files rather than the ldap info.)
I wanted to go back and check my authconfig and reset the parameters.
However now when I do a authconfig I get this:
authconfig --enablecache --enableldap --ldapserver=
--ldapbasedn="dc=sncc-pdc,dc=net" --enableshadow --enablemd5
--enableldapauth --update
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/authconfig", line 738, in ?
File "/usr/sbin/authconfig", line 323, in run
File "/usr/sbin/authconfig", line 228, in readAuthInfo
self.info = authinfo.read(self.printError)
File "/usr/share/authconfig/authinfo.py", line 594, in read
File "/usr/share/authconfig/authinfo.py", line 1338, in read
File "/usr/share/authconfig/authinfo.py", line 904, in readWinbind
tmp = self.readWinbindGlobal("workgroup")
File "/usr/share/authconfig/authinfo.py", line 893, in
if not section or section != "global":
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'section' referenced before assignment
Any idea what's causing this. I hate to be so dense, but I simply
can't find anything that explains this...and I've looked.