Travis Bullock schrieb:> Is Samba still unable to replicate WINS information? I have a Samba WINS
> server in place now at Location A. I am establishing Location B which will
> connect to Location A via OpenVPN behind a IPCop box. I would like to
> a Samba WINS server in Location B so that client WINS traffic will not
> travel across the VPN, however I am unsure if Samba's inability to
> WINS has since been changed.
> Cheers,
> Travis
a wins replicate daemon has been released by sernet the german host of
samba, catch it there compile and test ( it worked for me with suse 10 )
but if you use openvpn with a direct vpn tap connect between 2 sambas
only the right configs where needed in my setup,
you can start samba with tap devices so they should find each with
broadcast on the same net or with pointing browsing entries
in smb.conf to oneanother
for sure this connect where long times vpn connects