Hello all! I have a problem/question regarding sambas context caching. I have a little C module which uses some basic functions from libsmbclient. I.e smbc.opendir(). When I use this from a linux terminal and supply a user/pass it works as it should. (Access granted when right user/pass and access denied when wrong pass. Obviously! :)) The problem is that if I use the module from a web application the context gets cached in some weird way (and yes you probably would teel me to please turn of caching in your browser but this is not the issue :)) If I start out with a bad user/pass I get access denied BUT if I once have the right user/pass the context sticks and I can use which pass I want and still get access. If I change the user I get access denied but as soon as I put the right username back I get access even though I use a bougus passwrod. I have to restart the web server so release it. My question is: Who, what, when does samba store smbclient access attempts adn how do I clear them. (I've tried free_context with no success). I've tried other modules and functions in my web server backend and then I never get a chaching problem so it is something with libsmbclient when run from a webserver. I've building a simple web app to validate correct smb login credentials so if you have a better solution please let me know :) Right now I have to pipe output from the rpcclient command and that is not a pretty solution :) But hey, at least my credentials doesn't get cached! Have a great weekend! Regards, Henrik