The print server runs Linux 2.6.11. When I use the print wizard to try to add the printer, I get to Browse for Printer. I click on the Linux machine and the printer appears. I select the printer and the message "Error: Access is denied" appears in Printer Information. The obvious theory is that something is wrong with Samba permissions. However, the two Win98 machines on the network have no trouble connecting to the same printer. I don't know whether this is a Samba problem or XP (or something else), but I am hoping that someone reading this newsgroup will have a suggestion. I consider Samba an unlikely culprit because the Win98 machines are able to connect and because file sharing works between all pairs of machines in both directions. On the other hand, I reinstalled XP, so if a state variable is screwed up, the reinstall should have cleaned that up. I am nonplussed. -- Jeffrey Barish