----- Original Message -----
From: "kurt weiss" <maillists@kwnet.at>
To: "UNIREA Sannicolau Mare" <credsantm1@rdslink.ro>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] File owning and rights problems
> a) i think, u should post smb.conf.
> b) u should try to lock out failed logins ("map to guest = bad
> this will exclude problems with failed logins...
> c) are u using "force user = "???
> UNIREA Sannicolau Mare schrieb:
> > Hi!
> > I use protocol manager on a boot diskete to map a network drive share
which> > is shared by a samba server. (i.e net use i: \\server\d)
> > I give a username and a password which exists in /etc/samba/smbpasswd
(i.e> > user name: user1 and password: passwd1) but when I create and/or edit
> > file, it changes the ownership to that file to owner user: dobody and
group> > owner: nobody. Also the rights are changed from -rwxrwxrwx
to -rwx-r--r--> > In conclusion: even if a duply a valid username and password, the
> > logs me in as nobody... and I don't want ownership and rights to
> > changed...
> >
> > What can I do?
> > Thanx for your help!
My smb.conf file has the following content:
workgroup = S
netbios name = CASA1
security = SHARE
printcap name = cups
disable spoolss = Yes
show add printer wizard = No
printing = cups
idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
template shell = /bin/false
winbind use default domain = no
comment = unitatea c
path = /c
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
comment = unitatea d
path = /d
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
path = /
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
comment = scoop
path = /scoop
#force user = caseria
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
comment = tcoop
path = /tcoop
#force user = caseria
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
comment = Imprimante
path = /var/spool/samba
printer admin = root, user1
create mask = 0600
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
use client driver = No
browseable = No
##########end smb.conf##############