I am facing problem in samba session. I've Install samba on Sco Unix and windows client access share directory created, If user connect to samba directory through windows operating system, after logoff still SMBD or NMBD session doesnt clear from Sco Unix, So If 1 user connect to SAMBA directory 10 times in a day all process keep live and doesnt clear after logoff these sleep session problem hangs printing queue on Sco Unix and then we have to restart the Sco Unix server. Please advice how samba automatic clear user session those been logoff. Thanks, Nousahd Ali Database Administrator, International Port Services Compnay, Dammam Port, Saudi Arabia Email: noushad@ipscol.com Ph. # :+966-3-8142338 Ext. 304 CONFIDENTIALITY: This communication and any attachment(s) is intended solely for the person or organisation to which it is addressed and it may be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient you must not copy, disclose, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy the original. If this communication has been received by email please reply and highlight the error to the sender and delete the original. Thank you.