I installed this server in December to serve my LAN. The windows machines work just fine, but my Linux box (this desktop and the server are both Mandrake 10.1) has gotten interminably slow since I installed some updates via MandrakeUpdate last week. The share is configured in smb.conf like this: [server] comment = Shuttle Server Shared Stuff path = /share valid users = madams sparkles alex public = yes writable = yes printable = no create mask = 0775 The share is mounted on the Linux box with: //SHUTTLE/server /mnt/shuttle/server smbfs umask=0,user,sync,credentials=/etc/samba/auth.shuttle.madams,uid=501,gid=501,exec, 0 0 The file auth.shuttle.madams does exist in the path and it's a simple 3 line text file: username = madams domain password = XXXXXXXX How have I screwed this up? Thanks. -- Mark E. Adams http://adamslan.shyper.com Random Musing: They took some of the Van Goghs, most of the jewels, and all of the Chivas!