Greetings, I have a little problem regarding the use of the include directive in smb.conf. In fact, when a user logs from a Windows XP client, every works as expected, but there is something missing when the same users logs from a Windows Me box. Here is the information about the setup: Server Os: Slackware 10.0 (2.4.26) Service: Samba 3.0.4 (as PDC) Netbios Name : TUX Client 1 Os: Windows XP SP1 Netbios Name: xp Client 2 Os: Windows Me Netbios Name: me Here is the content of my /etc/samba directory: smb.conf me.conf -> /etc/samba/second_floor.conf xp.conf -> /etc/samba/first_floor.conf first_floor.conf second_floor.conf Here is the content of the smb.conf file [global] logon script = common.bat [netlogon] include /etc/samba/%m.conf Here is the content of first_floor.conf [global] logon script = first.bat [first_share] Here is the content of second_floor.conf [global] logon script = second.bat [second_share] The unusual behavior is located in the logon script directive of the global section. When a user logs from XP, the executed script is first.bat. On the other hand, when the same user logs from ME, the executed script is common.bat. I did try to force an include of me.conf and first.conf in smb.conf (instead of %m.conf) and the behavior is back to normal, i.e. the executed script is first.bat. As a matter of fact, it seems that the directives of the global section are not parsed when a file is included with a variable (%m in that case) when the client request is from a Windows Me Box. The rest of the file is interpreted properly i.e. the shares are defined. Does anyone encountered this kind of problem?