Hello Samba List! I am runnign samba 3.0.7 on my Debian stable box with OpenLdap 2.2.17. I would like to set up samba as an PDC, based on Ldap. I can already su to my users and log in the unix way. But i cant get the samba auth working. Here is an error: fileserver:~# pdbedit -vvL testuser1 failed to bind to server with dn= cn=Manager,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG Error: Invalid credentials Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try! Connection to LDAP server failed for the 2 try! The "dn= cn=Manager,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG" part is correct, and ldap logs a few packets as well, so it _looks_ like they are talking to each other. Where do i go from here? Do you want to see a debug out of samba or ldap? If yes which level do you need? What could be the reason that it cant bind to my ldap server? Phpldapadmin, ldapsearch and ldapadd all work fine. Thanks, Mario. -- +++ GMX DSL Premiumtarife 3 Monate gratis* + WLAN-Router 0,- EUR* +++ Clevere DSL-Nutzer wechseln jetzt zu GMX: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl