good evening, if i print to our cups-server from a winxp-machine via the samba-server on the same machine the job is done well. i can also see the corresponding entry in http://...:631/jobs?which_jobs=completed but no entry is made into /var/log/cups/page_log, which i need for some kind of "basic" accounting. on the client-side we use the cups-printer-driver (rc3), on the server-side we use cups 1.1.20 and samba 3.0.7. if the cups server is used directly (e.g. from another cups on another linux-box) everything works fine. any help would be appreciated, karsten dello -- Karsten Dello | Freie Universitaet Berlin | Veterinaermedizinische Bibliothek Tel.: 030/83862652 | Oertzenweg 19b - 14163 Berlin
Igor Belyi
2004-Oct-16 03:23 UTC
[Samba] Re: page_log: no entries when printing from samba
Have you tried to print from the same machine where cups-server runs without invoking Samba? If it has the same problem - you will need to ask help on cups list: Igor Karsten Dello wrote:> good evening, > > if i print to our cups-server from a winxp-machine via the samba-server on the same machine the job is done well. > i can also see the corresponding entry in http://...:631/jobs?which_jobs=completed > > but no entry is made into /var/log/cups/page_log, > which i need for some kind of "basic" accounting. > > on the client-side we use > the cups-printer-driver (rc3), > on the server-side we use cups 1.1.20 and samba 3.0.7. > > if the cups server is used directly > (e.g. from another cups on another linux-box) > everything works fine. > > any help would be appreciated, > > karsten dello > > >